Data Backup and Archive of Email and other Cloud Data

You have data spread in many places.  What happens if someone accidentally deletes emails or documents from a 3rd party cloud data provider?  Most accidents are not noticed immediatly. Usually days, weeks or months pass before somoene notices that data you want is nowhere to be found.

Too often companies assume that because they have data hosted by major world IT tech giants like Google and Microsoft, that data is always safe.

Wrong!  Accidents still happen because people are invovled. 

Data Backup and Archive of for Cloud Services

  • Email

    • Sent & Received

  • Calendars

  • Contacts

  • Documemts

  • Edits

– hosted by Google in Workspace
– Microsoft 365 Exchange – cloud or local
– backup specific accounts


Archiving Before Closing Accounts

Data retention regulations as well as good business sense call for data in user accounts to be saved for at least a period of time before permanent deletion.  Agencies including the IRS, SEC, and HHS require key data to be kept for years after the fact.

Have you ever realized that the person who recently left your organization had the only copy of data you need?  Don’t find out when data is already gone.


Immutable Data Archive

Immutable Storage for Protection & Retention Requirements
Immutable backups are designed so that not even the most tech-savvy hacker or an accidental click can mess with them. An immutable backup is written in stone, unable to be changed or deleted by anyone during a set period of time. So, even if some digital villain tries to mess with your company’s data, they’re out of luck. With this strategy in mind, combined with top-notch encryption and accessibility protocols, you can keep your data safe and sound against any number of threats.

Protect Data Now

Don’t wait until the data is gone to archive copies that you may need to answer critical business functions or inquiries by Federal agencies.

Aditi Group can set up archiving for 3rd party services with Microsoft, Google and email from general website hosts >