8th Time, No Charm

Today marks the 8th annual World Password Day as first started by Intel in 2013.  So, the question is: have we learned anything since the first Password Day?  Have we become any more secure?


Survey Says

2021 and 2022 surveys from password keeper software companies like LastPass and NordPass and telecom providers like Verizon all say NO.   Recent surveys still, sadly point to top, most commonly used ones as:

  • 123456
  • password
  • qwerty
  • password1
  • variations on these age old defaults


Make Your Move

With lots of articles reminding us this week, we urge you to take this moment to become more secure.


Aditi’s password security recommednations include:

A)  Use 8-10 characters or more

B)  Include mixed letters, numbers, upper/lower case, special characters

C)  No names, dates, or easily guessed personal info about you

D)  Unique – don’t re-use paswords for multiple accounts

E)  Don’t leave them lying around

F)  Use multifactor or 2-factor authentication too

Keep Passwords Locked Up

Use some kind of password record keeper so you use LONG, STRONG, and UNIQUE passwords.  If you are trying to relying on remembering all your passwords, you’ll be too tempted to use the same one everywhere or keep them too simple or based on info about you that others could find on social media.  There are lots of solutions including web based and offline, locally stored software tools.

Contact us for more ideas and help in getting your business into safer territory and out of the past.